Display package related questions on Stack Overflow.




Name of the package.


# get stack overflow questions get_so_questions("dplyr")
#> # A tibble: 30 x 6 #> date title owner answered views link #> <date> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <int> <chr> #> 1 2019-07-03 dplyr::n() returns “~ davide ~ FALSE 19 https://stackoverfl~ #> 2 2019-07-03 NA as a result to pm~ Omry At~ TRUE 28 https://stackoverfl~ #> 3 2019-07-01 Rolling count of dis~ Amleto TRUE 72 https://stackoverfl~ #> 4 2019-07-02 Creating a new row f~ azra TRUE 43 https://stackoverfl~ #> 5 2017-06-05 Time difference betw~ user170~ TRUE 1322 https://stackoverfl~ #> 6 2019-07-02 Difference in dateti~ jmw FALSE 13 https://stackoverfl~ #> 7 2019-07-02 Filtering rows in a ~ Benjami~ TRUE 32 https://stackoverfl~ #> 8 2018-03-06 kmeans clustering in~ Alexand~ TRUE 636 https://stackoverfl~ #> 9 2019-07-01 Using purrr function~ Jazzmat~ FALSE 38 https://stackoverfl~ #> 10 2019-07-02 Flatten a long datas~ user254~ TRUE 47 https://stackoverfl~ #> # ... with 20 more rows